Full Moon in Libra: Resilience, But Make It Cute

Art by Larry Carlson

Art by Larry Carlson

This month's full moon in Libra hits us head-on tonight at 10:35 EST and is giving us all a chance to renew ourselves; the current state of the world is requiring that renewal. All of a sudden, a chance is not a choice. It’s definitely a sign: everything old can be new again, and whatever doesn’t fit into your life anymore must go. 

Issues with relationships, jobs, friendships or acquaintances, stagnant collaborations—any problems that you’ve been putting on the back-burner or trying to dissociate from will come to the surface this week if they haven’t already. It’s time to re-evaluate your values and what you put energy into. Suddenly I realize I need a more enriching hobby than eating out at restaurants and sampling cocktails. What was once super fulfilling to you will not be an available option anymore. What would you like to fill its place?

The universe is generous and can create and restore itself from literally nothing, as can you. This pink supermoon is supercharged with vitality and a heightened awareness of the importance of order and routine. Thanks, Libra, for bringing balance and stability back into the picture during this extremely unsteady time. Fun fact: although we wish the moon would appear pink in the sky, it’s named the “pink moon” to herald the coming of spring and the pink flowers that bloom along the northern hemisphere (creeping phlox). 

The spirit of collaboration comes through the cosmic phone lines with this full moon, inspiring us to take up league with humanity to problem solve. If you’ve been going at it alone, you’re going to realize you’re stuck. Call in help. You might feel driven to hop on a Zoom call with someone you ~know~ but haven’t ever actually talked to, maybe just to chat, but also maybe because one of you has an idea about a long distance project you could collaborate on. You could, on the other hand, be feeling super good in your own hermity little shell, and that’s okay, too. Either way, you are feeling an urge to send everyone everywhere, without exception love and acceptance. Connection is more important than ever.

From a social distancing standpoint, working together can be easier said than done, but thanks to the internet, in true Libra fashion, there is a lot of potential to work together throughout this challenging time. Air sign Libra is a communication maven that thrives on harmony and beauty. Keeping the peace is a major goal and we’re all likely to feel responsible for righting some of the wrongs in the world right now.

Libra is a super social sign that’ll have you wanting to connect with someone, no matter how. Your reptile-mind, survival instincts are working overtime, so maybe if you want to write a book, go for it, but if you’ve been wanting to write a book for years but you’re simply too exhausted, maybe just, like stretch and phone a friend instead.

I’m not at all a believer in the need to be a workhorse and tackle huge projects right now; sure, if you have the energy, spend it. I think it’s more important to relax than it is to produce. However, I don’t think it’s time for your idle mind to take over your life. Of course, give yourself space to sit and breathe and just be, but if you find yourself starting at the wall for hours on end, pick up the phone and call someone. Don’t let this forced hard reset drag you so far down that you can’t see the forest for the trees. 



Read: The Wisdom of Insecurity by Alan Watts

Listen: the entire Everybody Looking album by Gucci Mane

Watch: The Twilight Saga: New Moon and/or Real Housewives of New Jersey