Claim your Crown: Lunar Eclipse in Leo <3


Ladies, please take a seat…

there are about to be some changes to your regularly scheduled programming. Courtesy of classic entry into Aquarius season, we’re starting this weekend off with a bang—surprises mandatory. Since this will be a total eclipse of our ladyfriend in Leo, I want to make you aware that something that started percolating in February of 2017 is coming to a racing crescendo and you have zilch control over the circumstances. Remember back in August 2018 at the Leo solar eclipse when I told you to put in the royal intention to become your dream version of yourself and that you would be able to claim your crown at the end of the 6 month cycle? Well, it’s time and I guarantee you won’t feel ready: all eclipses have too soon, “no not yet”, “hang on!” energy, and especially lunar ones because the emotions at stake are vulnerable and pure. Time is shortened, sped up and issues are illuminated in the divine. 

You may notice something that has not been working come to an end during this transit. You may also see something that you’ve been waiting for reach fulfillment. Regardless, it’s a game changer and will allow you to claim the crown you deserve. I know you might not be able to see that just yet, but you are already wearing your crown and you’ve made so much progress—the invisible crown will become visible this year. You can’t unknown the known and you can’t undo the done. You’ve set something important into motion regarding your identity, ego, and badassbitch self last year and it’s starting to shine through in your new life. You will realize this month that you have been reborn as the one you wanted; this process doesn’t always happen linearly, but it always happens the way it must. Trust that it is time and it’s happening the right way.

Sometimes we’re not ready for the insights that come up or we feel like we need more time, but the stuff that stacks up right now is necessary for our personal evolution. Funny thing with this one: the heavy dark influences coming from outside (namely: Saturn, Pluto) are just skulking sharks, unable to affect your situation, but nonetheless appearing as threats from outside…off in the distance. You are actually divinely protected at this time by the purity of this influence: no planets make any angles to this 0 degree Leo lunar eclipse—they only bare their teeth like nightmares. Keep going and claim your crown. Sometimes rebirth is mundane, not holy. The effect is always metamorphosis.

Read: Sirens of Titan - Kurt Vonnegut

Listen: “Necessary Evil” - Unknown Mortal Orchestra

Watch: Black Swan