New Year, New Witch

Pre-2018 Full Moon in Cancer ♋︎ 11° Woo hoo!!!!

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Crank up the Børns and the Lana, it’s going to be a soul-baring ride. This year starts off with a bang, the kind that’s less wham-bam, more slow with a lot of eye-contact. Get on the dance floor and have a drink in your former self’s honor. You are about to see just how far you’ve come. 

It’s electric love and it’s on your mind, whether you’re happily entangled or you’re as single as the day is long. This love is spiritual and it invites no consummation. The feelings and fantasies that come up right now are meant to inspire you for a year, and with the energy of the trine, we should expect events at this magical time to sparkle quickly and burn through you as they start to enliven parts of yourself that you thought had died. The moon is super comfortable in Cancer, Neptune relishes Pisces, Mars astounds in Scorpio, and Saturn finally gets some flipping work done in Capricorn, so God knows we will be starting this year off right with every planet in its bff sign. 

Your almost telepathic sensations that arise are going to give you a surprising insight into your past, a powerful ability to see what’s going on in the present, and the passion to create your future. I can’t express to you how wonderful having each planet in its patron sign is for just relaxing and feeling like you're not FIGHTING the energy that wants to manifest in your life. As the clock strikes 12, imagine your life blooming. The energy right now is so chill that I want you to make the most of it and feel full of the light that’s moving your way. Make this year a year of wishes fulfilled and make a list of 10 things that you are grateful for from 2017 (I know, I know…so hard, right? Still, I know you can do it). With a blue moon (second full moon in one month) on January 31, I expect that you will see some major changes right away. This next full moon will be in a lunar eclipse formation, and with 5 (count em 5!) eclipses this year, I expect January will be the setting off point for a large scale renovation on the home of your life. 2018 will be lit, but it will require some hard work and compromise. I think you’ll like what appears from the rubble of 2017.

During this highly emotional full moon, please remember that you are a confident, beautiful badass. Maybe you know this, but have you been showing it? The vulnerability you’re prone to right now might make it tough to really feel comfortable in your skin, but I urge you, please stay in it—your heart is so important to others and your contribution will be great in 2018 even if you’ve felt stymied or hopeless in the past few months. Although the air is drenched with sensitivity and compassion, there is a risk of self-deception when it comes to others and we might see enemies where there are really friends. Trust yourself to know the difference, but be open if someone from your past comes back seeking reconciliation. You might need to be equally forgiven.

New Year New Witch Spread

Kelli’s drafted an excellent New Year Spread that details all the wonderful and soul-nourishing things to expect from 2018. It’s a seven card spread—find your favorite deck and have a seat with a glass of bubbles. Ground and center, feel your mind seated in your body. Lay down 7 cards in star formation, like so:

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1. Sunset: Lessons Learned in 2017

2. Horizon: What to Expect in 2018

3. Obstacle: Challenge of 2018

4. Strength: How to Access Inner Power Moving Forward

5. Advice: Moving Past 2017

6. Guidance: How to Navigate 2018

7. Theme for 2018

We love you all and can't wait to hear what this New Year sends your way. From Spellsisters, we send you a raging cloud of love and light and pray all your wishes for 2018 will be granted. Thank you for your support and positive vibes, we are so grateful to have the opportunity to practice with you.

Listen: “Fool” - Børns
Read: “A Wrinkle in Time” - Madeleine L’Engle
Say: I knew you, I know you, I will know you again