New Moon in Virgo: Spiritual Surgery y'all

spellsisters reading


This is really happening. Kelli and I have been percolating with ideas and whims and dreams and crafts and we're finally seeing the first sprouts come up (in true Virgo sheaf of wheat style--thaaaanks virgin babes for setting the growth trend for us right now). This new moon is all about making things a reality and we are **all** about that right now. Ready...? Let's make the impossible, possible.

Virgo teaches us about habits. It carries the energy that inspires our morning routines, fitness, diets, even the work we do every day--our jobs. A new moon here brings space and clarity to the intentions you set in those spheres of your life. What do you want your life to look like moment to moment? Do you want to set more limits on your behavior or would it be well worth it to involve a little more self-care into your daily routine? Check out our sick new shop for details on bath salts and scrubs and tonics for what ails you--nurturing stuff you can do every day for YOU. Create an affirmation just for you to encourage positive habits.

FYI bbs: this New Moon packs a serious emotional punch. There is a chance for old dark feelings to come crawling out of the woodwork just when you thought you've mourned them and set them to rest. The New Moon will be conjunct the Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Mars in Virgo and opposed Chiron in Pisces. Chiron is all about wounds that we can't heal ourselves and with an opposition to all the most personal planets, it's going to feel a little like spiritual surgery. Before you go "under the knife," make sure you trust your surgeon. That person that broke your heart or changed you long ago better have your higher self in mind before they go opening up old wounds. Play it safe and honor your pain by realizing what belongs to you and what belongs to them ahead of time so you can stay grounded.

Just to give you an idea about how this new moon will likely affect you, we logged your sign below, so take a peak. For each sign there will be new beginnings (and maybe a few tears...sorry bbs) in these areas until the next Full Harvest Moon on October 5th. This surgery is more of a c-section: a new life is born from the pain that comes up.

  • Aries: work, nutrition/fitness, lifestyle
  • Taurus: romance, children, creativity
  • Gemini: home, house, family
  • Cancer: messages, local/neighborhood issues, transportation
  • Leo: earned income, self-worth, security
  • Virgo: goal-oriented behavior, body/appearance
  • Libra: spiritual life, secrets, retreating
  • Scorpio: friendships, society, counseling
  • Sagittarius: career, reputation, long-hatched plans
  • Capricorn: higher education, travel, recovery
  • Aquarius: birth/death/sex, transformation, money
  • Pisces: relationships, partnerships, enemies

Affirmation for this new pre-harvest moon:

I cultivate an attitude of joyous expectancy

Love you all and hope your new moon rituals keep you well.
