Til Death Do Us Part: New Moon in Libra

photo credit: Lovers card, tarot deck by @pvogeler

photo credit: Lovers card, tarot deck by @pvogeler

Get your latex bodysuit and pour a kir of absinthe, the New Moon is in Libra.

The new moon in Libra is ruled by Venus, the planet of love and beauty. That’s all well and good, but Venus is stationed in retrograde right now, putting us in rewind on all issues related to love and partnership. Retrogrades put circumstances on pause while we reassess and wait for clarity; new information will start to surface at this time which may have been glaringly obvious to others but totally missed by us in the moment.

The main issue with this New Moon right now is that it is square aspect to Pluto which will be putting pressure on relationships from the outside: chaotic events, frustrating power struggles with bfs/gfs/bffs, dramatic returns of old lovers, bae getting texts from THEIR ex, etc. (there’s a lot that can happen, but I don’t want to scare you, it will all be for your benefit). When Pluto makes a square to one of the lights (the Sun or Moon), events appear that are nobody’s fault, but which change the entire tone of the interaction. You might notice a close relationship change over the course of the next week, as it goes through a dramatic rebirth, or you could experience the return of a friendship that fell apart. Usually, the events are surprising and involve major changes in your life that are out of your control. The words expressed in these interactions will be dripping with passion but detachment. Not so much the “I love you, don’t leave me” but “I fucking adore you, but I have to go” or “I can’t stand that you’re not my friend, but I didn’t think I’d miss you.” Even the shy bbs might feel the urge to express feelings that they didn’t know how to put into words until now, when it feels suddenly urgent and **important** to open old wounds. Sometimes, the writing is on the wall of these situations and we have been expecting the emulsifying changes that come up. Still, there will be a need to reappraise your relationships in the heat of any fights that are stirred right now. Remember: all conflict that gets stirred up right now is working for your benefit. 

All new moons start something new and this one will be focused on relationships: what we want in them, who we are without them, and what we need for balance in our lives. The scales have shifted suddenly—you may have been feeling out of balance at the beginning of Libra season as you struggled to make decisions with the constantly changing goalposts. With Venus, Libra’s controlling planet, in retrograde motion currently, the Venusian influence of love, beauty, and financial abundance will be slowed down and asking for your patience.

Reassessment is needed in all areas of relationships and love. Situations that are unstable will be ripped to pieces and stable relationships that need work will have a few “come to Goddess” moments. You will start to notice a need for discussion and clearing the air, as if it cannot wait another moment. Libra rules politeness and compromise, so you might finally have the power and presence to open up a dialogue about difficult subjects. Work with that energy and focus on what you’re missing in your life now that you *know* you need to be happy. Really take a hard, unflinching look at what you want and admit it to yourself.

Do you need a best friend who can hang more than once a week, do you need a bf that is good with your kids, do you need a gf who is more thoughtful, do you need a longterm thing when you’ve been settling for a friends with benefits sitch? Libra is a cardinal sign, which means it takes the initiative and it focuses in on how to reach an agreement. Your inner world is ripe right now for delineating personal boundaries and asking for more if you’ve been giving away more than you’ve been getting back. You deserve more, and you will have more, darlings. <3


Hayley xoxo