Full Super Moon in Scorpio: Rosemary Vapours

Persona (1966): aka your life rn

Persona (1966): aka your life rn

An object’s been moved out of the frame in your life, but you can’t remember exactly what’s supposed to be there. It’s just a little unsettling. I could swear I put this over here. That’s this full moon. In Scorpio. A SuperMoon. Pushed up against Neptune. The enormity of the feels are so heavy, you’ve forgotten you’re holding them—they just feel like part of you now. But like all things for smart babes like you, the weight will hit you—it’ll start to come to you when you’re not thinking. Your unconscious is rising up like a behemoth wave, standing tall and silent behind you. “I don’t know why I feel so tired lately.” Lol, I do—it is taking literally everything in your power not to turn around and look for the monster you sense is there. But let’s get a sense of what’s happening here:

First of all we have a Full Moon which means things are happening. Events are crystallizing and somewhat outside our control. Full Moons trigger things. Scorpio is the shadow. It’s the dark thing in us that we all know wants to survive; it’s selfish and instinctual. It understands birth, sex, death, rebirth—the whole cycle and doesn’t bat an eyelash. It’s ok with everything, particularly the ugly. The sign and lunation makes for a heavy battle with the shadow and events that come from outside to shake us.

Ok, now here are the aspects in our Astro toolkit tonight and tomorrow…and godtdamn the next two weeks probably, let’s be realistic with all this otherworldliness, k?

  • Enormoon™ Trine Neptune - got a direct line to godt

  • Moon Opposed Mercury - ok hold up… but am I psychotic tho? 

Neptune adds a dose of the surreal and ethereal: it’s our velvet connection thread to divinity. Mercury, the planet of communication in tense aspect with this super moon, suggests that we have a cosmic antenna up and our bullshit detector on blast. Something’s not right and it’s time to LISTEN for the canary in the coal mine. It might just ensure your survival.

Like a spider feeling something crawling on its web, you’re picking up on subtle changes in your immediate environment that are giving you tinglies all over. ALERT: you are psychically sorta reading minds under this influence so DO NOT BE ALARMED if you start having a) crazy dreams, b) a weird sense that something’s about to happen and then it does, or c) a funny feeling that someone is lying. Ding ding ding—they totally are. Your feelings are not only correct, but there to guide you under this influence. With the opposition to Mercury, you’re being challenged to adjust your rational vision accordingly. This isn’t alway easy with the Scorpio and Taurean influence—notoriously strong-minded signs. Your way might not make sense right now and there might be a workaround if you can take your ego out of it and trust your gut.

There’s a strong possibility that you’ll directly call yourself out by calling someone else out under this influence. Time is an illusion. Reality is a mirror. As above, so below. I can’t stop the aphorisms because it’s legit true—you are being cosmically called out as a reflection of your circumstances. You are, contrary to how it might appear, totally in alignment with what is happening. And that’s a good thing. You’re about to become the fertilizer to your own garden and phoenix the fuck into (and then out of) this shit. The Full Moon in Scorpio is inviting you to be that lil fella from The Sixth Sense and realize the comfortable reality you’ve settled into believing so that you don’t absolutely lose it. You are the things you’ve been calling other people out for and you are the only person who can change your reality. All manner of projections are being revealed as your own right now. You are wise. You are in control. You are angry. You are free. You feel weak, but you are powerful beyond measure. You are your own savior and you’re about to wake tf up and release yourself from the dream. Places aren’t haunted, people are.

With all this emphasis on psychic activity, it’s important to note that you still need to use your words, even if you’re able to ascertain a lot without asking. Mercury is urging you to say how you feel and listen when someone tells you their story. It’s time to put your feelings aside and get into someone else’s shoes. It’s the only way to understand yourself and what’s really going on underneath the surface. This is classical shadow work at its best: what are you assuming about another person that actually belongs to you? You’ll pick out your projections from this transit and realize you’re looking in a mirror. You’re your own worst enemy—not someone else or some big bad thing outside you. Get into alignment. Realize you’re getting comfort and/or drama out of something you’re feeling stuck in right now. That little addictive thing is what’s keeping you trapped and turning around and facing your monster will set you free. Particularly, since this Full Moon is in fixed signs, we might find with this Supermoon that we’re not as we ready as we thought for the things we have planned for our life—for the things we say we really want. Or even to go back to living in the “real world” post-quarantine. And that’s ok. Seeing the monster for what is (you) allows you to accept that the scary projection imprisoning you is actually just desperate to keep you safe.

Full moons cause an enzymatic reaction—processes are sped up, blown up, and exploded into their largest capacity through events that occur around this time. What would normally take a longer time to manifest, is actually at your fingertips. Your cosmic order is up <3 But like many chemical reactions, there’s a risk for explosion if you aren’t careful and proceed with caution. Scorpio is fragile like a bomb…not fragile-weak. You’re sensitive and tender right now and you need to treat yourself with respect. For your sake and others.

My Scorpio friend Sarah told me once, sometimes you just have to eat the shit sandwich—you know which sandwich that is for you. And believe me, it’s going to suck at first to face the shadow but you’re going to do it and it’s going to be over and then you can move on and live a little freer.



Watch: Persona, dir. by Ingmar Bergman

Listen: “Life in the Vivid Dream” - Grimes

Read: Know My Name by Chanel Miller