Colossal Coalescence: New Moon in Scorpio

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Wow, ok—this is kind of a lot, maybe you can already tell? Feelings are HEIGHTENED and they all feel visceral and important. It’s the new moon in Scorpio tonight at 11:38PM and we have 4 total planets in Scorpio with behemoth Uranus positioned opposite in Taurus. To put it plainly, this is essentially the astrological equivalent of a dark and stormy night, complete with sudden lightning bolt and thunder clap. You may be sensing a paranoid or obsessive voltage building in your night sky and ready to strike out on an unsuspecting victim (i.e. you). Don’t be alarmed but… stay aware of your surroundings, because things are liable to go a little topsy turvy in your intimate relationships or any area of your life that requires shared resources or other people’s money. This new moon signifies a massive ionic clearing of energy—solar wind in your deepest attachments that you take for granted. You’re learning a new language right now and it’s non-verbal.

Just as the heavy swell of rainclouds eventually breaks, there’s massive potential for manifestation right now, and with Uranus, it may come as a bolt from the blue. I’m gonna say this clearly: be careful what you wish for right now. Police your thoughts and purify your intentions if you’re doing ritual work because your thoughts are getting reduced to the smallest parts. Scorpio is about water going from a liquid to a solid, so there’s a massive transfer of power that needs to happen in your life and will require time and a little bit of pain. Lest we forget, Scorpio is also about reducing your life to rubble and performing a deep excavation of what is NotWorking™. Cleaning out your closet is good, clearing off your future wedding guest list is even more on brand. Goals that you may have been building toward for a long time are requiring a reset to system specs, no matter how inconvenient this sounds. It’s time to see what will stick in the extreme force of the void and what is not for you. Let it all fall away and see what stands. You’ll have your answer, even if you initially feel like you’re missing your left arm. 

Guides and shamans will show up right now for you and they’ll usher you through the process of loss or trauma mining. If a door does not fit your key, turn in the other direction and try every other lock. If your path dead ends, retrace your steps and choose a new outlet until you have wound a road like a maze through the thickets of your life that looks wild and free like your colossal heart. Not everything is for you—it’s just a fact. Sometimes old pain comes up to be healed or it comes up to be viciously murdered—you have to consider your weapon right now and consider how you hide it. I had a dream I was swimming with a knife and some weird old dude was like, you’re gonna need this sheath to protect it. I feel like this is super fitting. Choose your tools and keep ‘em safe.

Some experiences and people will factor heavily into your life, some will become small players, and some will not even be explored at all over the course of your whole life. Time destroys possibilities sometimes, but it transforms our priorities. Under this influence, you’re about to get clarity about what it looks like when a light is turned on in a particular life experience and when something is switched off. Don’t worry about trying to splice the power and force it on—just find your lights and move in that direction until you’ve made an electric path that you’ll always be able to follow back home.

Listen: “Ultraviolence” - Lana

Watch: Rosemary’s Baby

Read: Kafka on the Shore - Murakami