Reiki Disclaimer

If you would like to be treated with Reiki or other energy work for a health condition, it is advised that you do so alongside or under the supervision of a medical doctor or another licensed health care professional. Reiki is a non-invasive energetic healing practice that may or may not include physical touch. If you have any concerns about receiving reiki treatment, please request more information and ask your doctor first.

Reiki is not subject to licensing and is not considered to be traditional health care. It is not meant to take the place of any other treatment you have been advised to receive. I am not a medical doctor or health care professional, and therefore cannot be held responsible for giving medical advice.

Instead, Reiki can assist with other treatments. It is intended to be used as a way to enhance your well-being and connect with yourself deeply. You may receive intuitive guidance or recognize inherent knowledge you had previously forgotten. Reiki may shorten healing time or reduce the side effects of other treatments, and could also help reduce or eliminate pain.

While they are great complements or supplements to other medical services, none of our services should ever be construed as medical diagnoses, treatments, or cures. Any intuitive advice provided should be taken as such and considered alongside the advice of a health care professional. Read more about what reiki is here.