Full Supermoon in Capricorn: slave 4 no one ;)

This post originally appeared in Witch Way Magazine, written in April 2020 for the June issue đŸ„”

On the eve of a full moon in Capricorn, the last supermoon of 2021, news broke that Britney Spears asked for her conservatorship to be ended. Disturbing details were revealed—Britney told the judge she’s depressed, she wants a baby but isn’t allowed to have her IUD removed, and her longtime boyfriend can’t even drive her in a car alone. Her human rights, bodily autonomy, and freedom are practically nonexistent. Britney’s father, Jamie’s, lawyers claim that he is only trying to do what’s best for her
 she is 39 years old.

This comes in the wake of still more backlash against Amazon. Did you hear they literally force drivers to make deliveries on time to the extend that they legitimately had a policy and standard way for employees to ahem

✖S H I T into a bag and P E E in bottles✖

Amazon, this is a Wendy’s, wyd

commodities aren’t commodities when they sacrifice human rights.

2021 is all about de-commodifying human rights.

Could it even be possible that every strange, interconnected situation really is just kismet? I believe there is such a thing as coincidence
 But if the moon controls the tides, and plants and animals respond to the resolution of the sun around our planet, then it’s hard to believe that they have no effect on us. If our bodies are comprised of 60% water, shouldn’t we be physically affected by the shifts of the planets, too? The vibe is: eclipse season, iykyk ă€°ïž

Astrological transits have contributed to a thriving culture of misogyny. Period. But trying to unravel how tf we got here is like opening a Pandora’s box of issues that spill out like a matryoshka doll. It’s impossible to get into all of the ways that astrology continually influences society and culture forever and ever, over and over again. There is no bite-size explanation. It would be just as hard to deny the fact that current events are shaped and defined by astrology—like, for example, couples getting back together during Mercury rx in eclipse season... Come with me down this rabbit hole.

In case you missed it, the empire of the patriarchy is scrambling. The deteriorating structures and intricate systems of power have been falling apart for decades but only now is the scrambling so totally obvious. Masculine energy is gripping its control for dear life, as feminine energy hums louder and louder. And what better way to stifle a very vocal and powerful woman than to put her under a conservatorship?

Let’s talk about Sagittarian, Britney Spears #freebritney. Some key astro points: Britney’s natal Venus makes a difficult square with Saturn and Pluto, which has her constantly at odds between striving and settling. She’s so driven but can be easily taken down.

I can’t stop thinking of the public slut shaming, as Our Lord & Savior Britneyâ„ąïž, the original crop top queen, was ridiculed for having skin as a teenager. If you were anywhere near cognizance in the late 90s-early aughts, I’m sure low rise jeans, tiny, midriff-baring tees, and ever exposed hipbones are imprinted on your mind. Nobody was safe from the exposed midriff. We were there. Britney wasn’t the only, or first, person exposing her hipbones, but there they were on live national television blaming her for having a body and sexuality. Back to the point: anytime Venus, Saturn, and Pluto are activated in her chart, she’s sure to have very public issues. 

Britney’s identity has also always wrapped up in her family (notably, her father, Jamie’s, control and the conservatorship that earns him millions of dollars, but even before that her relationship with her mom and little sister were in the spotlight on the tabs). Growing up in the spotlight as a young girl with so much family involvement has made it so she truly is incapable of being free as her authentic self while maintaining a strong relationship with who she feels is oppressing her. In other words, she can’t be herself and also maintain a close relationship with Jamie without damage. She can’t just shake things off and not let them affect her. So it makes sense that her “issues” in the public eye have tended to revolve around family values and her wholesomeness or supposed lack thereof.

Britney’s Venus square Pluto activates oppressive dynamics within relationships. People with this aspect tend to have controlling or demanding partners. At the very least feel like they are trapped, and this is compounded by her Sun in Sagittarius which drives her to seek freedom and adventure. She feels dominated when she’s not totally free.

On the other hand, she’s the queen of the comeback. In April 2019, there was a hearing to end the conservatorship—Saturn was square Britney’s natal Saturn: a test and shock to the system. At that point, the judge did not remove the conservatorship but in 2020, a new co-conservator was appointed to share in the financial responsibilities with her father—the previous co-conservator had been linked to Jamie. A small victory, but a victory, nonetheless. One small step forward.

The wise-beyond-her-years girl-next-door was only 17 when she released her first album and rose to fame so fast. It’s especially worth nothing that Britney was one of the very first starlets to be under the constant flash of a camera in the age of the internet. She was stalked so severely by the paparazzi that she publicly broke down and shaved her head in 2003.

Rewind, though: in 1999, Britney and Justin Timberlake were, like, absolutely the cutest couple in the world
 I’m sure you’ve seen the head to toe denim look because if not, you’re not even alive. But then in 2002, they tragically had a super public, nasty breakup where the intimate details of whether or not Britney was faithful or if she maintained chastity were on display for literally the entire world. This included, obviously, Britney’s fans, a majority of which were younger girls, and rumors immediately ensued, Britney suddenly a sexy demon convincing all of us underlings to also become sexy demons.

Having absolutely no control over her narrative, Britney started to publicly unravel. Don’t even get me started on that extremely cringeworthy, patronizing interview, lest I also open the can of Me Too worms. Just kidding, it’s open. In a 2003 interview, after her breakup with Justin, Diane Sawyer shamed and blamed Britney for hurting him so deeply. Oh, poor Justin, right? Cry me a river, lmao. Diane went in on Britney heinously, criticizing her for what she wore and how much skin she exposed, claiming that Britney kept “getting burned by the fire she lit herself.” Ew. Girl, stop.

Okay, so, Me Too all started with a post on MySpace all the way back in 2006. Tarana Burke’s post opened a forum for public exposure to the sad reality that most women/femmes (if not all), especially marginalized women, have experienced some form of sexual harassment or assault. 

The momentum of the movement snowballed in October 2017, when Alyssa Milano popularized it by including #metoo on a Tweet about Harvey Weinstein. She asked, “If you’ve been sexually harassed or assaulted write ‘me too’ as a reply to this tweet.” It became an overnight movement, and millions of women from all over the world, from all walks of life broke their silence publicly, sharing experiences of assault, rape, harassment, sexual pressure in the workplace, and more.

Another thing that happened in October of 2017: Jupiter entered the Scorpio, which is associated with the 8th house in astrology (secrets, sex, death, taboo, power). It’s not surprising that this is literally when Alyssa Milano tweeted about Me Too, exposing the prevalence of sexual abuse and assault predominately amongst women and femmes. The 8th house is most deeply associated with revealing deep, subconscious wounds in order to heal them. 

This Jupiter transit kicked off a whole series of events highlighting the need to heal the feminine—specifically the way our culture sees, treats, and holds space for women and femmes. To put it simply, this is the first time in a loooong time that the Divine Feminine has had a major platform with the ability to transform and balance the binaries that has divided us for so long. Of course, all of the planets are always involved in any major cultural revolution, but this one instigated a necessary adaptation of our modern concept of society.

So with this transit, eclipse season, and a mid-summer retrograde, maybe we’ll finally see some justice for Britney this summer. Maybe she’ll be totally freed from her conservatorship. We’ve just had a lunar eclipse in Britney’s sun sign, Sagittarius, in May. Early in June, there is a solar eclipse in Gemini. These eclipses will work together for the collective to help dismantle systems that prevent freedom. 

Im gonna say it again: lunar eclipse in Sagittarius (Britney’s sun sign) + solar eclipse in Gemini = dismantling systems that prevent freedom
 this works for the collective but especially for someone with a chart like Britney’s. #freebritney or bust

Read: Britney Spears Quietly Pushed for Years to End Her Conservatorship: The New York Times

Listen: Oops!
 I Did It Again in its entirety followed by Britney (2001)

Watch: Framing Britney Spears and then Crossroads

Kelli Jenkins