Solar Eclipse in Taurus: Seismia

via Pinterest

  • Conjunct Uranus Taurus - blindingly illuminating changes, earthquake vibes

  • Sextile Mars in Pisces - legit you could find a wrinkle in time or some shit if you tried rn

You’re making seismic moves and wandering the planet in search of the Perfect Fit™ to complete your life. With so much earth shifting, it’s giving earthquake vibes and sudden moves that leave everything a mess. Luckily, the disorder is made more fortuitous by many benefic planets in the idealistic sign of Pisces, calling in a more refined existence. With the spotlight on Taurus, on some level you believe you can really these enchanting fantasies happen. Reader, you have a plan. The Taurus solar eclipse (like all solar eclipses) cracks open the surface to reveal the complex infrastructure beneath your experience. It’s coming up to be seen and manipulated (not by you—by cosmic forces). You’re entering a hero journey with a prescribed beginning, crisis point, and denouement. Once you’ve entered the path, you are consumed. Eclipse season is fun but it is relentless. Don’t fight the wave: move with the energy.

Uranus hits this eclipse tightly and peppers in surprises, electricity, shock & awe. You are not in control and your free will is suspended until June. Sorry bb, but your powers are frozen, your door is locked, and it’s for your own good. Uranus has a way of allowing opportunities you would never have self-selected or felt prepared to manifest come about suddenly and unexpectedly. While all manner of manifestation exercises are worthless right now, the centrifugal force of what you’ve already put into motion is building power and shifting the plates to get you on the right path. Especially with the focus on feminine signs, it is essential to employ passive resignation as events unfold. If you move with the energy, you will be aligned at exactly the right moment when the triggers appear. 

Mars in a supporting sextile to the Sun and Moon gives desire and curiosity to the groundedness of Taurus season, even if it’s in the daydreamy sign of Pisces. You have the power to transcend your past and move mountains you thought were completely impassable because your actions are supported by the Universe. If you take actions that are not in highest good, they will come to nothing at this time. You’re investigating the limits of what is possible and questioning whether there is a future that might exist in another universe if you just scratch beneath the surface of this one. If you could juuusst figure out a way to access that world. (You know a way). You just can’t force it. Like a child returning to a magic portal they found in a forest (My Neighbor Totoro vibes withstanding), you can only access this magical place when you’re not trying. This wrinkle in time will find you when you most need it and when you’re at your most vulnerable. With Venus’ energy highlighted and with it art and beauty, let the film play and appreciate the profound meaning as events unfold. You are very small but part of something bigger that is revealing itself right now. You can’t hide from destiny anymore, Spellkittens™. Your unexpected future awaits on the other side of the quake.



Read: After the Quake by Haruki Murakami

Watch: My Neighbor Totoro, directed by Hayou Miyazaki

Listen: “Need Your Love” - Tennis