Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Gemini: Learn to Love the Bomb

by the amazing @lumituomi <3

by the amazing @lumituomi <3

Astrotoolkit for this lunar eclipse:

  • sextile to Chiron - opportunities to address the “thing” you know is wrong in your life and say its name

  • semisextile to Uranus - being in the right place at the right time, perfect guidance from out of the blue

  • soft conjunction to Nodes - literally fate…but make it believable

  • soft square to Neptune - mirrors, projections, fears and anxieties, am i fucking crazy?

Insane times call for drastic measures and this lunar eclipse is one of those insane times. Trust me—the lunar eclipse is going to rearrange your world, but you’re going to feel lucky you were primed by literally ALL of 2020 because it’s made you a) quick to adapt, b) tough af, c) amazing at telling the real from the fake. Good for you. You’re ready to face the facts and you’re ready for changes. Now get to fucking work.

Eclipses are known to “slam doors” and bring situations to a crisis point that would have taken years and years to develop organically. They are both a pressure cooker of change and an enzyme accelerating a creative process. Example: let’s say you say you want to quit your job. You bullshit, pussyfoot, complain and waffle for months. You make small moves and baby steps toward actually getting a job that works for you and you’re interviewing and trying hard. This trying hard adds up, but it’s mostly invisible spiritual currency. Now let’s bring a big deal lunar eclipse (lunar = endings and culminations, basically a goodbye lunation) into the fray. Immediately you receive an offer on or around 30 days +/- the eclipse, but holy hell it was a job you NEVER assumed you’d get or it requires you to move or it has potentially endless consequences to uproot everything that is currently happening. Like the Judgment card, you are being asked to actually put your money where your mouth is and invited to make karmic changes—do you *really* want a new job? The time is now. You can have it but you have to make your decisions now and you are guaranteed to not feel prepared. It’s like knowing that you’re probably going to take a trip to Paris at some point in the next 5 years because it’s low key in your plans (lol in a pandemic lol ok), but when the opportunity comes it’s like a surprise invitation from a friend and you have no time to decide but of course you have to go—it’s too wild. You’re like WHAT THE FUCK UM SHIT I NEED TO PACK DO I HAVE MONEY CAN I REALLY DO THIS. And you do it.

That’s this lunar eclipse. With Gemini and Neptune, there’s an element of risk and fantasy. With the nodal involvement, there’s an element of "I am fucking crazy, but I am free. With Chiron, there’s an element of ending things in a fury and being called or even deliberately invited to hack up your life and break through the door to the future. There is no going back and there is no future where you came from. You need to go further down the hallway within until you feel the heat and reconnect with your heart. You’ve been cold and dry for too long—you are entering an adventure and leaving your personal simulation during this eclipse season. Whatever you end or bring to magnetic fruition at the time of this lunar eclipse will be reflected in what you inherit at the solar eclipse on December 14th. It’s like an inhale and an exhale or bookends of the same thought. You have to let go of what you’re holding to receive what you’ve been dreaming of. You’re ready even if you feel afraid of where you’re going. You’re going to have to put in a lot of work, but you’re going to feel like you’re really living, which may have been something that’s been hard to come by for you this year.

Something to remember: no manifesting at this time. No “intentions” or charging crystals or rituals period. There’s going to be a lot going on. It’s not that it’s dangerous to try to manifest under this influence—far from it. It’s that it’s like driving with the parking break on. The universe has thousands of electromagnetic sparklecharms foisted in your direction and you’re focused on your “will” and “action.” Lmfao, let events happen—it’s not the time to intervene or try to make your crush like you. It’s time to watch and learn how events can make quantum leaps. Fated things are coming through to redirect your path: to safety, to adventure, to change and variety. The Gemini energy is inspiring you by giving you the answer or the secret that clicks everything into place and makes your next move inevitable.



Read: Writers & Lovers by Lily King

Listen: “Andromeda” by Weyes Blood [or just the whole Titanic Rising album if you’re me]

Watch: Raising Arizona