New Moon in Virgo: Fecund Void


It’s a New Moon, New Mantra kinda day so you might as well say one in the spirit of inner housekeeping. Choose your own mantra (CYOM™), we have aspects so we got choicesssss: 

Trine Saturn Rx: “I crystallize my thoughts”

Trine Pluto Rx: “I destroy my limitations”

Quincunx Mars Rx: “I dissolve my anger”

This New Moon in Virgo is behaving decidedly UN-like the usual lunar model of cleanse, replenish, renew. This time, the cozy swell of space in your life is urging you to fill your schedule, reach out to others, push yourself, show up, and find the sweet spot of integrity between two imperfect decisions. 

The air is not cozy or fun (sry): it might even feel a little *too* rigid and real for you if you’re a Gemini, Sag, or Pisces. You Virgos are built for this shit so I don’t feel bad for you at all. Bless y’all and keep going. It’s not as hard as it looks. Something important (maybe a plan) is coming together even as everything else you’ve been focused on seems to be untangling, loosening, and unveiling. You’ve been ready for a while, but the next two weeks are when you stop talking shop and get to work. 

This new moon is in aspect to arguably some of the most difficult planets in astrology: Saturn, Pluto, and Mars. These fellas do a lot of good but they take absolutely none of your (or anyone else’s) bullshit. You can’t argue with death (Pluto), taxes (Saturn), or sex (Mars). It is what it is and although they’re not exactly on your side over the next two weeks, they are *definitely* helping you. You’re going to have to work for it though and they’ll make sure you get your hours in.

Saturn and Pluto are bulwarks for our more vulnerable sensibilities—they protect and coax us to step up to the plate and take responsibility for our lives. Trines accelerate events and allow small efforts to catalyze into big, sweeping changes. These aspects are a recipe for forward motion because they are so weighty that getting them started makes them almost unstoppable. These heavy-duty daddies are a force to be reckoned with as you deeply reset your routines and correct what needs fixing. With the Virgo influence at this time, you are renewing your relationship to work, as a concept. What you do to keep yourself busy is what you do to give your life meaning and substance.

With, like, literally everything in retrograde, you are steadily and urgently going backward in time to reclaim a crucial piece of the puzzle of your current situation. A lot of times, with Mars retrograde, there’s a sense of redoing things to set them right. I think you’re going back in time to kill the thing that proved to be your ultimate undoing. Mars is strangling something to death here—sure, it’s a lil’ much, but it beats carefully unbraiding the decisions you’ve made for hours on end trying to keep everything nice. You don’t have the patience for that—and you shouldn’t. It’s ok to mercy-kill whatever is keeping you from moving forward. 

With Pluto and Mars heavily aspecting this new moon, your anger is dissolving over a situation that has felt huge and static and endless. You might see something end with the quincunx to Mars, but it oddly disappears into the mist and doesn’t give you that fulfilling sensation that you were responsible for finishing it off. The energy of Saturn with Pluto is propulsive and can move mountains. You have to start the process though and that can be hard.  This new moon, you are being asked to pace yourself, but to dangle the carrot you know will get you through the tough times. You’ll come out the other end stronger, older, and whole. 




Watch: Da 5 Bloods

Listen: Tyler Childers - “Nose on the Grindstone”

Read: The Corrections - Jonathan Franzen