New Moon in Scorpio - Elevenses

@smeccea on Twitter, via Pinterest

  • square Saturn [stuck in a bear trap—you make the obvious choice: cutting off your leg, radical honesty, pure response, “I don’t want you, Peter”]

  • opposed Uranus [a football hitting you out of left field, psychotic other (boss, partner, situation), a cold new beginning]

The New Moon in Scorpio sounds mythic, right? Like an Ouroboros, snake-eating-its-tail level of holiness. In a shadowy chasm, an apparition surrounds you: a ghostly, wraith-like figure, aggressively whispering in your ear as you take in the darkness of the bowels of hell. You’d think based on the imagery of Scorpio and the hard edges of the aspects to this New Moon from Saturn and Uranus, but you’re oddly composed as your world crumbles by your own design. What you’re getting feels just as cold and impassable as a ravine appearing between you and another, a final goodbye, an ending of a way of life, a lifestyle change, or a new plan for your life. You are suddenly disgusted by what once made you feel happy, feel like yourself.

You’re a powerhouse at this lunar cycle, but an ugly, flawed one. You’re a badass who has started to negotiate the realm of compassion fatigue and boundaries, not because you want to, but because you have no choice. What is not for you will fall away right now and expose the shimmery grub underneath your Die-Cast shell. You thought no one could see it—but your vulnerability is showing and may make you feel both terrified and relieved. You can finally drop the rope, the façade, the fear. You may be starting to wonder if that one critical guard (fear) that was protecting your heart was actually destroying you and blocking you from yourself. Or you may be a bad enough bb that you’ve moved on entirely from self-pity and now you’re wondering, does this mean..I can manifest…anything? Is that possible? It feels like it’s time to create, but also very much not the time to be seen. You’re going into the darkness and disappearing while you make your costume change, before the big reveal.

With Saturn guiding the proceedings and Uranus triggering you to act out, you may notice you feel oddly unable to mince words and wildly over the bullshit. You’re not in the mood to meet fate, but you’re feeling braver than ever and you’re too tired to give a fuck whether you did something perfect or used the right tone—the mood is let’s get real. With Scorpio energy oozing out of you, you’re liable to become a human lie detector during the next two weeks: absorbing the impressions and then immediately moving on from situations and people that just don’t pass. You’re not mad and you’re too busy to waste your time: no// hard// feelings// honey//

Draw your attention to the light in the darkness. Reveal yourself, vulnerably, warts and all. This will be a soothing new moon, but it’s soothing like the final push of a contraction or the end to a sleepless night greeted by dawn. Not everything is for you and the things that are feel almost luminescent in the pitch-blackness of the mediocrity around you. The New Moon in Scorpio greets a side of you that cackles and gives no effs. It’s time to move on, in a final push, into the transformation you’re incubating behind the scenes, within the Well. You are utterly yourself, but without bells on, unable to get it up for anything that doesn’t make your soul wretch or rave.



Listen: It’s a Wild Time by Weyes Blood

Read: Kafka on the Shore by Haruki Murakami

Watch: Secretary