Full Moon in Libra: Reflexive Verb(iage)

Sade | 1983 | photo by Graham Smith

Sade | 1983 | photo by Graham Smith

It’s getting a little wacky this weekend, folx. This full moon feels like it has the power of a thousand suns but it’s honestly like light reflected in a mirror or a shadow on a wall: there’s a deep impression cast but it’s not the real thing. It’s intense energy but it leaves no trace or film. When this influence burns out, you’ll feel clean but in the meantime, drama and lite chaos are possible like a storm that only happens once you reach a certain altitude. Aries season thickens the air with hot, elastic energy but this energy has a soap opera quality that will make you wonder what else could possibly be next and who else you’re liable to run into. You may feel like everything is happening at once.

Not to make you nervous, but you’re reading others’ feelings through the shadows they cast on your own right now. You are reflected in who you’re with right now and self = other. Hope you like what you see because if you don’t, it might be time to purge a toxic friendship or clean up your own pesky habits so you can put your life back into alignment. Libra is about balance and represents the scales of justice. The ultimate flaw of subjectivity is that it can make confident decisions impossible if we are not also using logic and systematic analysis. Reflective language mirrors the process of bouncing ideas off ourselves as an “other” to get an idea of who we really are and what is actually happening.

je me sens belle - I feel (myself) beautiful

tu me manques - I miss you (literally: you are missing to me)

Libra’s cardinal nature actually makes it a wonderful decision maker and leader, however its challenge is to integrate its own subjectivity with the subjectivity of the collective to create a balanced and nearly objective view. You may need to work something out in the presence of the other person before you have a major breakthrough. With Venus and Chiron in aspect to the full moon, therapy vibes encourage this healing bond. A wound may be opening just in time to let the light in and open your whole heart. Sunlight is an astringent, but too much is blinding. Be careful with how wide you open with this other person.

Libra is heavy Venus energy, meaning you are magnetic, attractive, but highly cerebral under over the next few weeks. Even if you’re feeling weepy or messy, you get over things easily and let them go. You’re composed and yet somehow utterly fearless with your heart this Aries season. Chiefly because there is nothing to lose now. The pulling power of this full moon is strong and the tenderness in the air is exquisite. Expect to feel the urge to merge and be attached at the hip with someone this week, as you naturally desire a mirror for your own heart.

Libra is an air sign known for being indecisive but also strong minded and initiating. You know what you want...yet don’t... and heaven forbid someone ask you to explain, you cannot. It’s time to make choices and moves: call your crush, be annoyingly forward about a job. Over the next two weeks you can start to solidify and/or disintegrate unions of all kinds but you may be feeling a tad confused or in need of more information before you make any moves.



Read: Sexual Personae - Camille Paglia

Listen: “Keep It Clean” - Camera Obscura

Watch: Black Swan