Full Moon in Virgo: Haunted

Photo by Nona Limmen

Photo by Nona Limmen

  • Moon quincunx Saturn - dissolution of human bondage

  • Moon quincunx Chiron - releasing pain

  • Moon trine Uranus - rapid change, freedom from routines, emotional rebellion

Endings. Freedom, perhaps freedom you didn’t think you wanted. In Pisces season, you are living the arc of a hero and it’s beautiful but more than anything it’s complicated. You can’t save the world until you save yourself and the story doesn’t matter if you started at the end. You’re living the full-throated song from the beginning: the loss, the wound, the challenge, the journey. You are letting go at this full moon and slipping free from toxic bonds that may have felt never-ending and ingrained. There’s a specific image I’m getting of your jailer suddenly unlocking your cell. It’s your choice if you leave, but you certainly can’t say you’re trapped anymore. It almost seems too easy. But it’s the next step on your path, even if it’s a let down to let go. If you stay, it’s because you identify with pain more than you identify with your *identity*and your search for self — my hope is that you will make the right choice. I trust you’re changing for the better as you loosen your grip on old lessons, father figures, and all manner of past moulted karma that has recently and suddenly expired. Quincunxes kill things that were already mostly dead. 

With heavy emphasis from Saturn and Chiron, you’re briefly reopening a wound for the last time and getting to WORK (Virgo vibes) on what needs healing and addressing. Normally you would procrastinate or avoid and you may start out by doing just that. The anxiety creeps up on you though. You start to feel like you can’t stay here anymore. It’s time to pull yourself up and move forward. The old ways don’t work with Uranus in soft aspect—you’re craving movement and change and rebellion from your inner dad (we all have one, some of us have nicer ones than others). It’s time to look at what needs fixing and take an inventory of the tools you already have to work with on your journey.

Maybe you’re good at initiating intimate conversations. You might need to have an intervention or discussion with someone from the past. Maybe you’re good at creating healthy routines that make you feel good about yourself, but you’ve been slacking. Or maybe you’re a master manifestor and you know you need to do some visualizations but you’ve felt too busy with the here and now. It’s time to reconnect with these tools and natural abilities that make you feel more in control of your life and self-esteem. Do more of what makes you proud of yourself and cut out mercilessly the things that slowly erode your confidence, even if they give a short term reward.

This may feel like an ugly time in your life where you feel gross or insecure. You’re confronting your shadow in Pisces season and releasing the power your vices and self-destructive urges have on you. Let yourself feel your feelings and let yourself be ugly. Stew in your own pain. Don’t look away from how you feel or force yourself to feel better. It’ll pass and give way to a bloom far more beautiful than existed years ago when you felt like “you.” This is a bloom that flowers only in a certain season: what a time to be alive. You’re Pygmalion reconstructing yourself in your own image. Improvements are necessary (Virgo leave us tf alone) but some old ways of thinking and interacting need to be straight up cut open and nixed forever. You’re brave, so I trust you know how to do this. You just have to find the courage to finish the last oeuvre and sing your swan song.

It’s time to give your effort and attention to the little rituals that anchor you in yourself and overcorrect the skid you will be sliding on. Get ready to react because the call is coming where you will need to be in tip top shape, with all unnecessary baggage shaken off. Your soul is shaped like the estate of Grey Gardens. Your inner light has gotten overgrown with disuse. Prune the vines and kill the weeds—it’s time to open yourself up to the infinite divine power you are inheriting by tending carefully to your own suffering.



Listen: “Shadows” - Yo La Tengo

Watch: Sabrina w/Audrey Hepburn

Read: Pew by Catherine Lacey