Full Super Flower Moon Total Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius: It's a Wild Time

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It’s. A. Wild. Time. You’re taking a vacation from yourself in the coming months.


  • Full Moon square Jupiter [oops, you broke the lucid dream and you’re never waking up]

The end is nigh for something that has been hanging on by a toenail. And a new beginning waits in the balance, serving to keep you motivated and also just a tad out of reach of your own dream self. It’s no problem—you’re willing to wait for the revelation. You’ve got nothing but time now and you’ll be wishing you could slow things down. Patience will become your friend this month: trust that the universe is opening everything up to clear a space for what needs to be there and that things that come to fruition or culmination right now are perfectly ordained to put you in the right flow. The space-time continuum has been squashed, abbreviated, and unwholesomely destroyed with this Total Lunar Eclipse in Sag. An adventure has started its sequence without your consent: you cannot help but count yourself along for the ride.

With the start of this eclipse season, you’re starting to look around you and realize you’re no longer home. I must reiterate, this is not under your control. It is an unconscious and pre-destined process. You may notice evidence of changes before you see what’s actually changed. Akin to smoke before fire and birds before land, you are finding signs that the terrain has shifted inside you and the old rules don’t apply. The map is the wrong map now. Expect a visitation from another version of you: a parallel spirit who might appear as an angel, as an outsider, or a weird shadowy creature lurking just out of frame when you turn your head. It’s not exactly that you’re being haunted, but your soul is standing out in relief from your own body as time escalates its agenda. Your course is moving at too rapid a pace to keep the seed of your soul in your body.

With Jupiter in square aspect to this eclipse, expect random bad luck to turn into very VERY good luck. You have to break eggs to make an omelette and you have to destroy a piece of your life to allow the pieces of the cosmic slider puzzle to fall out of their original locked places. You will find you are being led but you do not know where to: wait to make moves until after eclipse season and Mercury Retrograde finally loosen their grip. Things will go through many kaleidoscopic changes before they settle down into what they are becoming at the Solar Eclipse in Gemini. Do not hold on to what is being ripped away from you: I promise, it’ll either come back better or you’ll get something entirely different that’s actually what you thought you had.

Now is not a time to manifest: hold back from summoning any gods after dark or casting any spells because you are NOT seeing the situation clearly at this time.  With Sag Moon and Sun in Gemini (the sign of the social loafer in combination with the sign of the used car salesman), you’re feeling out of character and it’s time to try on another identity, not quite for fun but out of necessity.  Although this will feel freeing, there is no freedom in the events that appear on your path: you are operating on a fixed system, like tectonic plates beneath the earth, solar wind, weather patterns that are invisible but totally anticipated and out of our control. That’s the tone of this Flower Moon. You have entered an adventure, but the path appears as you move forward and not a second before. You’re playing into a role that already has its ending written. With this comes release and trust in a higher power. You’re not afraid of what’s in store, but it will require you to fake a smile, lie, and much to your chagrin, pretend you’re someone else in order to allow what’s coming into your life. 



Read: People We Meet on Vacation by Emily Henry

Listen: “Wild Time” - Weyes Blood

Watch: A Very Long Engagement