New Moon in Leo: This is Not a Dream

via Pinterest, credit to unknown

via Pinterest, credit to unknown


  • 8:8 Lion’s Gate supernatural shit

  • Moon square Uranus (heady iconoclasm, “the world isn’t ready for me,” “I Quit” vibes)

  • Moon trine Chiron (tears are maybe a bit too easily accessible to you rn, you feel other people’s pain)

  • Moon approaching opposition to Jupiter (hasty, impulsive action that’s hard to reverse, painting with broad strokes)

The summer portal’s open y’all. Make a wish and stand back to see how it appears—with the astrological misfits Uranus and Chiron involved, expect your intentions to come through in a sort of aberrant, lopsided, fairytale way. The vibe is off, but you know you’re dreaming. Enter the lucid dream and take back your power. The lines of reality are blurred and a little pressure in the right direction can actually push you forward into a completely different situation. You’re surfing with the tides and with the heavy fire and air emphasis, your confidence and stamina will keep you upright. Don’t waver, don’t look down at your feet: keep going and you’ll get there. You’re pushing through with the recklessness of being alive at this Leo seasonal portal and there’s nothing to be afraid of, even as the scenery comes tumbling down around you.

I don’t want you to feel like this is absolute chaos, but this is sort of that 555 moment where the universe actually starts making moves to transform your reality. It’ll seem like small changes, but they’re symptoms of larger ones. You’ll walk into work and your desks have been moved around. You’ll go to your favorite coffee shop and the hours have changed or the menu or the couch is missing. You’ll hear from someone you haven’t talked to in forever and start talking again like no time has passed. Such is the influence of all these cosmic daddies putting pressure in exactly the right place and trying to synch up your cosmic timing for the big reveal. This is not a time of setting intentions, even though it’s a New Moon and that seems compatible with the influences going on. It’s actually more of a time of steering the boat in the direction fo the intentions you already set. You need to get control of the dream. It’s an enormous vessel that you steer with one hand. This time will feel a lot like natural choices but with a telepathic twist, even with no gauzey Neptune angles or Piscean elements involved. This is more the telepathy of knowing where something should be in space and circumstances arranging themselves in response. It’s a time of guided action. The universe is acting unconsciously on your behalf to create the essential architecture that your long-held dream will require. It will look chaotic but it will be a sign that you’re totally on the right track.

With the Sun already completely removed from an applying opposition to Saturn, the hardest part of this transition is already over—the reality check, the “Oh…” moment where you realize the limitations to the dream. How compassionate of the expanding universe to give you bits and pieces of the enormous, dynamic problem so you’re actually able to make some spiritual headway within the bounds of time and space. Each level of the problem gives way to the next problem, until two weeks from now you realize you’re miles overhead, walking a ladder past all your supposed limitations. The contracting energy of Saturn has wound you tight into a little ball and ready to pounce on challenges. With Uranus separating in aspect at the time of this New Moon in Leo, you feel a detached sort of rage at what you’ve been doing up to this point—something needs to change but it’s a question of how. The answer: don’t worry about it—it’s out of your hands. With so many planets in opposition, you may think there is an enemy or interloper that needs to be defeated before you can make headway, but you're wrong. You are unconsciously guiding these tremendous forces to shift the narrative… and probably fate with it. As Chiron applies in trine, you experience the necessary pathos and tenderness of the Leo-ruled heart to anchor your dream decisions. Everything that is changing is pulling you into the role of Leo: father, mentor, lover. You’re not just creating your dream for yourself, but for the people you’re protecting. You are between worlds, so don’t get too comfortable just yet.



Listen: “Season of the Witch” (Lana del Rey version)

Read: “Ears” by Jared Stanley

Watch: Rear Window