Full Moon in Gemini: Shoplifting the High Vibes


Start a lucrative side hustle out of the work supply closet and lie to your parents—the full moon is in GEMINI. Gemini gets a bad rap for being past “traditional” morals (“who made these BORINGGG rules anyway, isn’t there a workaround??”), but really this is the sign of the trickster and as such, trickster rules apply at this time. It’s time to layer on the charm and get what you want the easy way. Not everyone has to follow the usual plan or path to getting what they want. You are being called to cosmically skip a step and quantum leap yourself outta the bullshit in one fell swoop. That being said, be careful and cover your ass. There’s a huge opportunity to call something in and phase something else out without anyone being the wiser. Sleight of hand and cowboy ethics: you know what’s best for you and the ends justify the means.

This Full Moon is Quincunx Venus/Saturn/Pluto conjunction **12.12** @ 12:12am like wow ok wtf we get it TWELVE. This is a big numerological event bruh, and 12.12 represents happy suprises (doubled, clearly). Things are coming together like crows gathering on a scythe. Trust that if you’re worried you’re about to miss the boat, it will all happen in the nick of time.

We’ve got two major themes being addressed at this full moon: letting go and being in the right place at the right time. There’s a hidden magic to both of these motifs: things disappear and reappear changed under this influence. I keep getting the quote “it’s not happening to you, but happening *for* you.” You’ll know what we mean in a few weeks. You have a lot of room for growth because there’s space being made in your life for novelty, fun and ease (Gemini). Luckily, it looks like what is leaving is almost instantly replaced with something better.

Since Venus is involved, you may take a relationship to the next level. Venus also rules your appearance/money and you could see the end of a phase of body image issues or money issues replaced with wholesome changes that make you actually feel good about yourself. It’s time to wipe something out and try something completely different that you’ve been dragging your feet on. Because Saturn and Pluto are involved in a conjunction formation and quincunx to the full moon, the changes coming up are important and somewhat hard to undo. You’ll look back on this time and think it was a turning point where you stopped taking your life for granted and finally did *the thing*. You’re ready for an upgrade, babe, and it seems both a) divinely ordained [no fighting the universe, capiche?] and b) in totally perfect timing.



Card: 7 of Swords

Listen: Back and Forth by Aaliyah

Read: The 7 ½ Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle

Watch: Face/Off