New Moon in Libra: Categorical Imperative

@softjoy via tumblr

@softjoy via tumblr

It’s time for the plot twist new moon. Usually that’s the full moon’s job, but as you know, 2020 plays by zero rules. Here’s your astro toolbox™ for the next two weeks:

  • new moon square Saturn (“I’d like to speak to the manager” [tragically, you’re the manager])

  • new moon square Pluto (the universe is pumping your stomach)

  • new moon opposed Mars (exquisite projected rage—yet, the call is coming from inside the house)

  • new moon trine North Node (**eVeRyTHiNg HApPeNs fOr a rEaSoN*)

This is probably the most difficult new moon of the year. While most new moons are cleansing and soft as a baby deer, this moon embodies a tenderness that gives way to whatever ugliness is beneath your calculated coping mechanisms. There’s a rampant, florid matrix that is rising up like a wave to wash over you and set you free. Sort of like how vomiting makes you feel better. I think it’s best if you think of this New Moon in Libra like this. A beautiful thing (you) is being pushed to get ugly—for a good reason.

However, it may not make you feel that way. With the outer planets involved *again* (omg why are you so obsessed with us?), you may feel like other people are blocking you from making your way or like you’re being put in the hot seat to answer for something you can’t control. The angelic trine to the transiting North Node should start to slowly reveal that maybe these blockages have oddly created the perfect setting and timing to get you to a far better place than you ever imagined you’d be. As with all new moons, you may be invited to start something new at this time—but this will be something that will destroy all the work you put in before. To add insult to injury, Mercury is also retrograde during this time, along with a host of other planetary fellas, so your senses will be hazy and you may be forced to focus on your past. There is something terminal about this new beginning and you’re not sure you’re ready to take a step backwards into overwhelming weather.

Any crumbling that happens over the next two weeks is a sign that whatever you’re holding onto is absolutely, without a doubt, no longer for you. It takes time to come to this conclusion, but the time is suddenly NOW. With Mars hitting you hard in the spirit of projection, you might feel like a lot of your problems are coming from outside. With Mars and Pluto activating you, you’ve hit a point where you can no longer pretend—the fakeness is stripped away, revealing your truth. You’re ready to undo your progress if it will push you to the next level. In a way, this is a conclusion that will feel nurturing and heart-opening. It’s time to call it what it is, so you can move forward. In other ways (v Libra to make this a pro/con), you will feel like you are making a mistake, espesh with all the retrogrades muddying the waters. Although we have difficult transits now from Saturn and Pluto, the New Moon is still ruled by Venus, the planet of love and money. An offer may be made on you (romantic or financial) at this time and require you to compromise. Don’t balk if you’re asked to move things around or wait longer than you normally would, because this may just turn into the best decision you’ve ever made.

The next two weeks will work to pressurize you internally like a diamond and force out what’s in there. Events will appear that add enough tension to your life that the foundation cracks and what’s inside leaks out. Hint: it’s likely something you’d rather keep in there, but you’ll feel much better knowing you can relax now. Sometimes this is negative feelings we have toward others or a secret we’ve been keeping that is holding us back. This astro setup will create changes that ultimately cleanse you of people and situations that are no longer needed, yet you are very attached to.



Read: Less by Andrew Greer

Watch: Wild Strawberries by Ingmar Bergman

Listen: “Ashes” - Weyes Blood