Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius: 555

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+ Opposition Venus (values—sacred feminine—politeness/fakeness)

+ Square Mars (amped-up—sacred masculine—wildfire/burning)

+ Square Neptune (lies—garbage can of the zodiac—sacred spiritual—obfuscation)

Tension is about to explode under this full moon lunar eclipse in Sagittarius, as three very tense aspects create a direct hit against the sacred feminine, sacred masculine, and sacred spiritual. Wow. Ok. Dire circumstances require dire measures. And nothing is sacred anymore. None of what’s come up during this time has been new information, but a crisis point has been reached that demands action like all cells being activated at once and lit from within. Everything is illuminated and with the influence of Neptune, you have a peak inside the sacred process of creation as your life is expanded and delusions rise and fall around you like clouds passing the sun. Eclipses always speed up the pace of events and act as a catalyst for changes that would normally take years. The growing pains of stretching to accommodate a new reality are extreme, however Neptune, the painkiller planet, is not in a configuration to quell any irascible burning. Spirituality is futile under this influence. It’s neutralized and you’re on your own. The world’s natural state is being challenged and simultaneously restored with this eclipse of the moon. Sagittarius is about cultural expansion and growth and under this influence, we have hit a tipping point in the legal system (ruled by Sag) that requires explosive action by any means necessary. This full moon also rules higher learning, long distance travel, and publishing—expect new avenues to blossom and light the way to a larger world. “The past is a foreign country…”

There’s a lot of toxic femininity being fed into the pipeline at high doses with this Wild West lunation. Positivity can be toxic too, so watch out for fake niceness, pretending and outright lies. Big fella Neptune is the wooooorrsst, he’s like the fuck boy spiritual advisor/poet of the solar system and he is at his most drunk and deadly at the moment. Be advised: cowboy rules apply at this time but you may be under the influence. You have the right to exercise your will to create space, with Mars in aspect to the full moon, but you can’t always control the outcome when large-scale outer planets are involved and obscuring the path ahead. What lies after this? What does the future hold? There is an endless satellite highway of experience unfolding before you, but it’s a lil’ like the Big Bang and will require some sorting out following the massive changes of Eclipse Season. We have 3 more eclipses that will hit us in 2020. I urge you to consider creating a bulwark within yourself to withstand the changes as events accelerate your motion beyond your comfortable past conditioning. The quiet has been leading up to a very significant storm.


111 is calling it in. 222 is bringing two people together. 333 is order received. 444 is package shipped in the flesh. 555 is the chaos the world creates to bring what you manifested into existence and unwrap it for you. It destroys and creates at the same time. The Tower of numbers. The end of all eras. In the most mundane ways and in large scale ways, 555 is the universe reorganizing itself for you.



Read: The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness by Michelle Alexander

Watch: Labyrinth w/David Bowie

Listen: Quantum Leap - John Maus