New Moon in Capricorn - Checkmate

<3 gif by Carolyn Gan

<3 gif by Carolyn Gan

Astrotoolkit™ for this New Moon:

Moon conjunct Pluto: little deaths, petit morts, fears that change the way you do things

Saturn conjunct Mercury-Jupiter (Capricorn’s ruler sign): bluffing for money, true stories

Like the silence after a snowfall, it’s oh so quiet as we broach the first New Moon of the year and you can luckily expect a lot of tenderness and quietude this week. Even with the cacophony of world events, broken promises, and succubi trying to devour your soul, you are feeling oddly calm, even numb. That’s fine. Don’t milk your emotions—they’ll come up when they’re good and ready, like Gremlins. Feelings are on the back burner anyway at this New Moon—it’s an inversion of the Cancerian impulse to connect and feel—the tendency right now is very much “time to make the donuts.” We are working with math problems, chess games, black and white. It either computes or it does not in this world and there’s nothing sentimental. You are ready to deal with reality and in so doing, soften your expectations.

This Moon is being confined by Pluto, the cosmic exfoliator of all the scurf on the surface of your inner landscape. With many planets in Capricorn too, it’s time for you to dive deep and do the work of your life—stop getting hung up on what OTHER people aren’t doing or what you wish had happened instead. You’re firmly working with the tools in the here and now and fantasy or pointing fingers feels meaningless. The past is only so good as a road map: detour as needed to accommodate the terrain. Capricorn is here to teach you that you can change things ever so slightly if you know what you’re working with. You are no delicate flower over the next two weeks, so it’s ok to get your hands dirty and start where you are.

To compound the benefit, Mercury and Jupiter are linked up in a genius beam to Saturn, indicating that you’re feeling practical and engaged. Most of all, you’re feeling safe again—trauma elicits a yawn, a psycho text bores you. You are predicting patterns long before they happen, and none of them look too alarming. You’ve done this before. You’ll make it through and even if you don’t, I guess it’s all over then, huh?! PRAGMATISM. DEPRESSION. NUMB REALISM. The Capricorn way. You’re coming out of your shell and you can’t abide the time-wasting tragedy of pretending you don’t have needs, ignoring your responsibilities, or letting someone get away with fucking you over out of politeness. Your courageousness is an extension of your maturity.

You’ve been through a lot and you may have had an exhausting past few weeks. Now it’s finally time for you to get some bodily rest, even if your mind is still going a mile a minute trying to plan your next move. With Pluto heavily emphasized, there is a major transformation underneath the surface, but it’s only suddenly becoming clear and obvious to you as the toxic behaviors are released and challenged. Get really quiet. We’re talking: turn off your phone, lock your bathroom door, start fucking with what’s in the mirror kinda quiet. You can journal, whatever. It just needs to be honest and nothing but you. You can do this with skin care, you can take a bath, or you can just take a hard and loving look at your sweet body. You are changing and you will see it on the outside in the coming months too. Others may have noticed it a while ago, but you’re different. Make a real life ritual that forces you appreciate that today. You’re ready to honor the real you, no matter how harrowing it has been to defend it.



Listen: “Your Dog” - Soccer Mommy

Read: Ablutions by Patrick deWitt

Watch: Queen’s Gambit